This past weekend, the Wang Gang hopped on a plane to Taiwan. Of course we ate way too much and also spent a day at the zoo. Photos below:
We flew on Clark's birthday and the hotel kindly gave a cake to us! We sang happy birthday to Clark before taking a family photo on our hotel bed. Happy Birthday, Ba-ba!

The next morning, Nainai and Taipor (Nainai's mommy and Nat and Lauren's great-grandma) came over for a visit where we had a chance to snap some great photos.

Lauren found Taipors arms quite comfy.

Then we were off to zoo. Here we are riding the little shuttle train to the top of the zoo to begin our tour. Natalie was super excited and asked specifically to see penguins and elephants.

On the way to the penguin house, we stopped by to gape at this monstrous turtle. It was bigger than Natalie!

Here is Natalie admiring penguins at the penguin house. She liked looking at them, but I think they weren't as interesting as she thought they might be since they just stood around and then stood around some more.

This was the most interesting penguin... where's his head?! Totally freaked me out until it popped back up. I think he was scratching his back.

One last photo at the penguin exhibit before we moved on.

Clark and Natalie at the bear exhibit. Natalie was super happy and excited.

You can see the big brown grizzly in the enclosure.

Natalie and Clark at an... antler(?) exhibit.

Natalie and I looking at rhinos.

A big, lonely gorilla eating... something that looks like bamboo?

Natalie and I with a huge herd of mountain goats.

There were so many of them!

If you look closely to the right of Natalie's head, you can see some chimpanzees just hanging out.

Natalie and Clark peering at the giraffe.

There were cute little baby giraffes, too. So cute!

Natalie giggling over the funny rhinoceroses.

They are pretty funny looking animals.

Later we check out some smaller turtles enjoying a healthy feast of vegetables.

Natalie and Clark at the elephant exhibit. The two elephants there were super active and fun to watch. One took a HUGE poo, then picked up the poo with his trunk and threw it! He scared all the gawking on-lookers (including us) while we all screamed and tried to run away. The other played in the water, splashing and rolling under the surface.

After a long day at the zoo, we enjoyed the beautiful sunset from our room.

Later that night, we went to visit Chingbu, Natalie and Lauren's other great grandmother (Yehyeh's mommy) at her home.

Another family photo time! I love how Lauren is looking at Chingbu here.

This one everyone is looking at the camera (except Lauren).

The Wang Gang with Chingbu.

Here I am burping Lauren on our last night there. Wo ai Taiwan!