With Natalie sick all last week (mild fever) and out of school, we decided to stay in this weekend and just take it easy.
Lauren enjoying the (significantly) better view from her bumbo-sitter.

Are you looking at my chin folds?

Big sister Natalie wasn't in the mood for taking pictures. This is the only good one we managed to snap.

Lauren was the ideal model; she was curious about the camera and kept looking at it.

Got a little smile.

... and a drool string!

Her little hand is getting chubby, too.

With Lauren's crib beside our bed, this is what I see when lying down on my bed.

Also, earlier this week, Lauren suddenly decided to roll over (back to front). She's so strong! See
Video 345 of Lauren in action. Now, whenever we put her down, the first thing she likes to do is immediately roll to her front, and then get upset that she's doing tummy time... again!