Kids LOVE Hallowe'en, and it's not just the candy - they also love the dress up! Below are Natalie and Lauren and their cousins' costumes. Also, this was the first year ever that they've gone trick or treating. Thanks Deb for having us at Parkview this year!
Michael the cow.
Nicholas (a.k.a Ironman), Michael the cow and Victoria (a.k.a Tinkerbell) at their school. Lisa and Carol went for a special Hallowe'en visit to the school this morning and sent these photos along.
Lisa yee-yee with Tinkerbell Victoria.
Later, Porpor and I went to pick Lauren up from school and here she is in her cute bee outfit with her classmates.
Outside the school, Lauren the bee poses with me.
And with Porpor.
A bit later when Natalie (a.k.a Cinderella)'s bus arrived home, we snapped photos with her as well. Here she is with Porpor.
And with me. Happy Hallowe'en!!
Also, a couple weekends ago, uncle Brad hosted another Hallowe'en cookies and cupcakes making / decorating party at his place. See photos below:
In the midst of cookie rolling and cutting and decorating craziness, Lauren was busy munching on noodles.
Meanwhile, big sister Natalie was very helpful rolling rough, cutting shapes and, once baked, patiently decorating tray after tray of cookies with orange, black and white icing, sprinkles and bone candies!
Ba-ba Clark was the support staff for expert cookie decorator Natalie.
Natalie particularly loved the bone candies.
Spidery cupcakes - yummy!
Here's one of Natalie's completed cookie trays. Well done, Nat!