Also, check out Video 83 of Natalie splish-splashing in the hotel bathtub. She's really focused on it (but takes a second to give the camera a small smile).
Natalie waiting to board the plane with Daddy. This is her 3rd airplane trip (including Canada and Taiwan). She's a little world traveller!

Natalie asleep on the plane.

Natalie wearing her first (baby) seatbelt on the plane.

Natalie in her "day dress", enjoying the Singapore sun with auntie Vivo.

Lovely ladies with the lucky groom (including Natalie in her "evening dress").

Natalie is a big girl sitting in her first highchair.

She didn't stay in her highchair for long. She much preferred her mommy and daddy's laps.

Have you seen a wedding with over 900 guests? We neither!

Natalie likes shuffling her feet in auntie Jackie's long hair while we were eating chilli crab.

Here is Natalie posing with uncle Kevy. We couldn't resist buying her this T-shirt. It's so appropriate!

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