Cutie patootie holding a piece of lemon. We know Natalie's full when she stops eating and all the food we give her becomes mushy toys instead.

Somewhere, somehow, Natalie has learned point her little finger at things that either interest her and she wants us to give it to her, or to where she would like us, her ever obedient slaves, to bring her. Here she is pointing at her ever-favourite the camera. This is pretty much the only thing she can't touch.

Natalie chilling out with Uncle Kevy.

Natalie hanging out while her daddy takes more picturs. That piece of lemon is officially becoming a piece of mush.

Natalie's happy little smile. It was a good day out.

Natalie running her little nails along the material of the sofa. It makes an interesting sound! Look at those strong, muscle-bound arms. Those little biceps are deceptively stronger than they appear.

Natalie laughing at the table of adults who are playing with her. All-in-all a great day to be outside. And don't worry, Natalie was mainly kept in the shade so she hardly tanned at all.

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