On Friday, Clark and I took a day off from work to go to Ocean Park with Natalie, Carol, Lisa, Vanessa, and Victoria. It was sooo hot! We spent most of our time in the restaurant and inside the under-the-sea exhibits such as the Chinese Sturgeon and the Atoll Reef. While there, Natalie pointed out the fish (she says "ffeh") and turtles. Clark and I bought season passes and hope to take Natalie again.Clark and Natalie at Ocean's Park.
Tracy and Natalie at Ocean Park.

Posing with the cartoon statues. Natalie is waving at all the people standing behind Clark who are shouting "Natalie, look here! Over here!" and trying to make her laugh.
Lisa, Victoria, Vanessa, Natalie, and Tracy posing with the statues.
Natalie and Tracy on the cable car to lunch.
Look how hot it is. Even with the nice breeze coming in through the windows, Natalie had a huge sweat head.
Natalie pointing out the water (she calls it "ogh! Ogh!")
Here is Vanessa happily enjoying her jell-o while at lunch.
Natalie and her daddy Clark at the Atoll Reef exhibit. It's amazing! But hard to take good photos.
Lisa, Victoria, Vanessa, and Carol in the other cable car.
Their cable car again. We kept yelling "Yee-yeeeee!" and "Yee-juuurn!" back and forth, and eventually Vanessa started yelling too.
The view. We're almost back!
These photos need no explanation...
Last time when we were at Toys R' Us, Natalie became very excited and worked up about all the different things she could identify like "boh-boh" (balls) and "woah-woah" (dogs) and "fah-fah" (flowers). She walked everywhere, yelling and waving her arms, and very importantly pointing out these objects to us. She is learning new words every day.Watch Video 149 of Natalie reading through a book of first words, identifying her favourites objects and turning the pages.