Natalie with Nai-nai, Clark, and Tai-por cuddling close on the couch in our hotel room.

Tai-por playing with Natalie. Natalie loves playing with Tai-por. They seem drawn to each other (maybe because they look exactly the same!)

Natalie laughing and giggling when Tai-por tickles her.

Natalie playing with Ching-por. She's very interested in what Ching-por has in her hands. She'll watch for a short while before demanding the interesting object be passed to her.

Good thing Ching-por has a toy drawer that has been around for 30 years and played in by her daddy, and numerous uncles and older cousins. Natalie was kept very busy by the toys in that drawer.

Natalie also spent a lot of time with Auntie Ann who showed her all the magnets on the fridge and looked through lots of photos with her. It was so sweet to watch them play together.

4 look-a-likes and one Tracy pose for a family photo. Cheese!

Natalie hanging out with Auntie Amy. Auntie Amy just came back from Malaysia and we were really lucky to meet up on our last night there.

Uncle Joseph, Ann's mother, and Auntie Ann with Natalie. At this point, Natalie was very grumpy and sleepy. Look at her trying to wriggle away.

Nai-nai, Natalie, and Tracy pose for a photo before heading out for lunch. This was our last meal in Taipei and on my request, we had Western (I was all asian'd out by then). We had salad, ravioli, and shepherd's pie at Carnegie... yum!

Natalie with Nai-nai. She likes to kiss the jade necklace that hangs around Nai-nai's neck.

The above photo was taken right before we said thank you to Nai-nai and kissed her good-bye and got on the Tai-Yo bus for the airport to head home. Thank you so much to Nai-nai for helping to take care of us and Natalie for the past 2 weeks while our helper was on vacation. See you again soon!
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