Also present at the event were photographers from local media and very nice articles were printed about the success of the event. Natalie is also in a couple pics... she's famous! Check out the Apple Daily article to see the photos (also below).
Natalie is the little girl in a white dress staring up in amazement at the bubbles shooting out from the bubble machine on the raised platform. That's me standing beside her, making sure she doesn't fall off the stage.

This is the mommy-with-baby dancing competition. Near the back and left of center, you can see Natalie's white dress (red trim on the bottom) and the back of her head. You can also make out Clark who has his hands up in front of him, encouraing Natalie to "Dance, dance!"

Natalie is a star already! We know she always loves the attention, but now she's really a suppppppa star!