The "Tong" mommies and kiddies gather up for a family photo.

Lisa was the feeding machine. She managed to feed Vanessa, Natalie and Victoria by herself. Victoria sat in the highchair. Natalie sat in the portable high-chair. Vanessa was old enough to sit in an "adult" chair. Victoria is fascinated with Natalie and kept trying to touch her.

Here Victoria is at it again. She loves to see what the other kids are holding. Natalie is trying to hide behind the sofa to prevent Victoria from taking her sippy cup. A split second after this photo was taken, Natalie burst into tears and started screaming "Nat-lee! Nat-lee! Nat-lee!" (meaning the sippy cup belonged to Natalie).
HAHAHA, I love how Victoria ATTACKS everyone - especially Natalie. It could be because she's curious about her older cousin. Great photos btw!