Natalie posing with me and Por-por. We love Canada!

Natalie in her car seat with Por-por. Her sunglasses are upsidedown but she doesn't seem to mind (or notice).

Here is Natalie again with me and Nai-nai in Waterloo.

This photo was taken during a yummy home-made meal in Waterloo. From left to right, top-to-bottom we have: Clark, Yeh-yeh, Gong-gong Pepin, Vanessa Sen-sen, Alex Su-su, Tracy (me) with Natalie, Nai-nai, and Por-por Esther. This photo took 5 hungry minutes to take, but it turned out great!

Natalie comfortable and happy playing in Canada. It was a little chilly at first, but warmed up nicely in the last week. Natalie also received LOTS of new clothes from her grandparents. She loves new clothes (ok, I love them, too!)
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