Birthday parties!
This weekend, we attended TWO birthday parties! Natalie really loves birthday parties and knows the whole routine now. We need to wear a pretty dress, buy and wrap a present and write a birthday card. When we get to the party, she needs to give the gift and a hug to her friend and say "Happy Birthday!" Later, there is always singing and birthday cake.Watch Video 285 as Natalie dances along to "Head, shoulders, kness and toes" with other children at her friend's princess-themed birthday party this weekend. Natalie at her school friend, Kelly's 3rd birthday party. She finally had the chance to wear her princess dress! She was the only Princess Auroro. There were at least 3 Belles and 5 Snow Whites! 
On Sunday, we attended Jasmine's birthday party which had an Elmo theme. She had a BIG Elmo attend her party and an Elmo cake. Here she is happy and clapping as we sing the birthday song.
Natalie was SUPER excited to see BIG Elmo. She's now old enough that she's not scared and was more than happy to go in for hug after hug after hug with Elmo. Poor Elmo was so big sometimes he couldn't see all the kids milling around near his feet waiting to hug or dance with him.

Natalie with Clark and Elmo.

The Wang Gang with Elmo.

It was such a treat for Natalie to see Big Elmo. They took a polaroid shot of Natalie with Elmo and it has become her most treasured possession. She refused to give it to us for safe-keeping and insisted on holding it herself for most of the day. 
After the party, brave and noble Clark took Natalie through all the tunnels and slides and fun of Play Town for another 1.5 hours while I sat down on a chair and rested. Needless to say, when we got home, we had a big family nap!
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