Students learn about cooking.

Here is Natalie playing with the water toys. She loves playing with water and enjoys bath time.

Group photo during "white" day. Approximately once a week, the students learn a new color and are asked to dress in that color (or bring a toy of that color) in to share with fellow students. Can you find Natalie?

Once a month, the students celebrate the collective birthdays of the students born in that month. During birthday celebrations, all students are allowed to wear "normal" clothes for the day instead of uniforms, and the birthday students have special hats they can wear.

Natalie and her classmates learning to fold and throw paper airplanes. Here's a great shot of Natalie in mid-throw. Looks like a good one! Look at the concentration on her face.

The students also did a lot of creative art work and Natalie frequently bought home her masterpieces to show us. Here she is painting something blue with scrunched up tissues.

One of the last "color" days at school was Rainbow Day. Natalie wore her blue dress with colorful butterflies on it.

Another pic from Rainbow Day.

And here is another birthday month. Yes, it's June! This time, Natalie is wearing the special birthday hat and gets to stand behind the birthday cake for the photo.

Here the students have made and put designs on their own foam hats. Natalie brought her hat home, but we haven't had a chance to wear it out yet.

More hat-day photos of the students mingling. I find these less-structured, more-chaotic photos quite cute!
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