This Saturday, my girlfriends threw a baby shower for Wang Baby #2 at the Grand Hyatt Tiffin Lounge over tea time. Serena, Viv, JC, Amy, Mandy, Cindy, Lisa and my mom were there from 3:30pm and some of us lasted until 8:00pm! It was super delicious and relaxing, THANKS GIRLS! Also, baby #2 is now the proud owner of NEW items (not just hand-me-downs from her big sis). Photos below.
Lisa, Por-por and Natalie and her cousins (fondly referred to as "the zoo") came as well. Here are the kiddies all sitting nicely together.

It's really hard to get them all to look and smile at the same time. Hmm... imagine we'll soon have SIX kids when we go out together!

You can see Natalie received some gifts as well, like the big hello kitty shirt which matches Baby #2 little onesies :)
This is an ice cream game that Natalie received from Mandy yee-yee and she LOVES it! She knows the rules of the game and actually understands "winning" the game now. It's fun to play with her :) (Don't mind Natalie's spaghetti mouth!)
Sorry we missed out dear, looks like everyone had a lot of fun! Can't wait to meet little Baby Wang #2, and can't wait to see how we deal with "the zoo".