Lauren is 8.5 months now. It's cliche to say, but time really flies! She's gone from a skinny, mewling newborn who only drinks milk and sleeps to a chubby, screaming baby who eats solid foods, sits up by herself and can play with toys.
Lauren happy after a bath. She loves to bathe and will cry when you first take her out.

Look at her thigh-to-calf-to-feet ratio. Those are some massive thighs, girl!

Although Lauren is pretty chubby, she's still much smaller than "The Beast" Michael who is 1 month older.

Lauren with her hair carefully combed and parted to one side.

Looking handsome, babe :) The thigh-to-calve-to-feet ratio is pretty obvious here, too.

Lauren with her usual hairstyle back and an unusually shaped balloon.

She enjoys eating now, too, and will usually cry once the last bite is finished. We try not to feed her too much though as she tends to eat until she vomits!

Lauren with her little friend (also named Lauren). The other Lauren is just 1 month older than she is.

Lauren gives the toy corn a little nibble.

Nope, definitely a carnivore. This donkey is delicious.

Sitting pretty in her exersaucer with her little hat. Her onesie reads "Mom thinks she's in charge". Both used to belong to big sister Natalie.

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