Lauren sitting on a toy in our backyard in Toronto. She's so balanced and coordinated now!

The girls brave the melon garden and pose under one of the bigger guas. They now own LOTS of matching dresses, too.
On the week we returned to Hong Kong, poor Lauren had a case of Roesella (baby measles). High fever and red dots all over, poor girl, but she's better 100% now.
Now that Lauren is better at sitting up, she and her big sis Natalie are taking baths together.
On weekends, Natalie and Clark like to make mini pancakes together. Mmm.. dee-lish!
Porpor stayed for a few weeks to help care for Lauren before Suparti returned from her holiday. Hmm... twins!

The girls brave the melon garden and pose under one of the bigger guas. They now own LOTS of matching dresses, too.
Isn't it funny how every chinese parent grows hairy gourds over there?! Lauren has gotten so big now, she's so cute with your mom!