Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Great to be Home

Since taking a break from work, I have really loved being at home with the kids.  I can spend so much more time with them and it's very fulfilling and rewarding being a mom to my girls! 

Morning with the two young girls after big sis has left for school.

Natalie loves to color now. We recently bought her a 96 crayola crayon set which she loves.

Lauren was super surprised and happy when big sister Natalie picked her up from school.

Ashley enjoying a play date with her friend Emily.

Emily's 2 months older and can army crawl already!

Ashley a bit cross-eyed while napping.

Lauren in my PJs.

Natalie in my PJs.  She tells me she looks like Aladdin's carpet.

Can you find Clark?  (Hint: he's pretending to sleep somewhere)

Natalie was braver than me when riding the ferris wheel at Ocean Park.

Lauren is too fascinated by the parrot to pose for a photo.

Lazy morning weekend with the family.

Ashley's play date at her friend Scarlett's house.  She didn't like being put down when I took the photo.

Lauren loved playing in the tubes found at Frite's play area.

Natalie liked playing in the tubes, too and showed Lauren how it's done.

Lauren posing for pics.

Ashley is getting chubbier. My arm was sore after carrying her over lunch. 

She is becoming a bigger girl now and can enjoy her exersaucer.

Thoughtful Natalie.

Lauren enjoying time with Serena yee-yee.

Me and Natalie at dim sum.


Potato head Ashley looking alert.

Ashley hanging with her friend Scarlett and some yee-yees.

Scarlett is 5 months old and much bigger :)

Ashley enjoying time cuddled on Vivo's lap.

Ashley loves facing outward on the sling - so much to see!

Love Ashley's "alert" look.

Natalie and her cousins Vanessa and Victoria participating at the Shakespeare pop-up event last weekend.

Lisa and the 5 girls. 

We are cat-sitting and turtle-sitting this week.  The girls love it.

Lauren looking cool with her shades on during Natalie's phototherapy session.

Natalie's shades are stick on.

Good morning, Ashley!

Lauren smiling after a tantrum on the floor of the hallway.

Ashley and Lauren cuddles.

I love Ashley's smile.

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for pet sitting for us! Natalie has the 'good girl' as always and Lauren is too cheeky and cute! AShley is such a happy little chubba!!
