Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring is here! Early May happenings both indoors and out.

Look who can sit up by herself!  Ashley can balance upright for about 20 seconds before toppling over.

Lauren and Natalie coloring at dim sum with me while waiting for our food to arrive. 

The girls playing together in the playroom under the watchful eye of Tuti.

Ashley looking at me with her big eyes while slung in the ergo carrier.

Lauren, what hairy legs and big feet you have!

Ashley loves to read eat books.

Lauren has overcome her fear and now loves the automatic rides in Chifu mall.

Looks who's rocking on her hands and knees.  Crawling to come soon.

Lauren and Ashley playing in the morning before Lauren's school.

Play date at Belcher's playroom.  Lauren loves playing with her new friend Olivia.

Lauren hugging baby Yellow to sleep.

Ashley is looking big!

Ashley's sad face.  She even has a few tears on her cheek...

After packing gift bags for a coming party, Natalie also helped to throw out the garbage.

Look who wrote her first book!  It's about the environment and includes chinese words and pictures.

We've signed both Natalie and Lauren up for soccer.  Let's see how it goes!


  1. Replies
    1. Haha, thanks! We bought our own domain... super easy to do now that it's integrated :) $10 USD per year.
