Natalie checking out and playing with Derrick.

The cutie Kaitlyn. What a little sweetie! We can hardly remember Natalie being that small and that was only half a year ago!

Natalie checking out the very funny "snowman bao".

The snowman baos were cute and delicious. The head is filled with red bean and the body is filled with lotus seed paste... yum! It was hard to eat though because they kept smiling at me.

Clearly, daddy Clark had no issues torturing and then eating the snowman bao.

Halfway through dim sum, Natalie got a little sleepy and we put her down for a nap in her stroller. When she woke up, she ate the WHOLE steamed beef rice roll by herself.

After dim sum, we stretched our legs a little in the nearby home electronics shop. Here is Natalie looking mischievious next to Kaitlyn.

Here is the Wang clan posing with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is smiling up at Clark.

Kaitlyn, Natalie, and Derrick. More mischievious expressions from Natalie.

Natalie is always happy to be out and about.

Kaitlyn is totally innocent and unaware of the curious hand that is about to descend on her head.

The Wee clan posing with Natalie.

Kaitlyn Wee cutie patootie.

Natalie & Kaitlyn could be sisters! So sweet!