Natalie, being a young'un that she is doesn't mind at all. Watch Video 137 of Natalie being given her daddy's home-made version of a rollercoaster. She LOVES it and will open her mouth and laugh. Later in the video, she waves hi to the camera and blows everyone a kiss.
Natalie curiously watching her daddy listen to music on his iPod shuffle.

Natalie's turn! She takes the ear bud and holds it to her own ear. When she hears the music, she waves her arms in the air (dancing) but will suddenly realize she can't hear the music any more and will quickly stop dancing and return the ear bud to her ear (and repeat).

Eventually she learned she couldn't dance AND listen to music at the same time so she contented herself with listening for a while, and then she threw the ear bud and the iPod to the ground and went to find something more interesting to do.

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