The birthday celebrators (and the birthday girl in blue in the middle).
Natalie has a little smile with Serena.
Natalie was very well-behaved and sat by herself in this chair for almost 20 minutes hanging with her homies Cindy and Alan.

Uncle Alan is really good with kids! He gave Natalie his blackberry to play with and big breadsticks to hit the table with.

Natalie with Leo. Clark and Leo met each other while playing squash at the football club. It's a small world! They later exchange phone numbers and promise to call each other.
Natalie playing with Tim. You can see the little red hair barrette in her hair (it has a strawberry on it). We have to put it at the very back of Natalie's head because that's the only place she has enough hair :)

To view all photos from the day, see:
good thing u wore the dress - the weather is perfect, the size is perfect - when else to wear it?!