On Friday, Oct 1 (my first day of maternity leave!) I wake up at 8:00am when my waters break. It's only a trickle and when I stand up it stops. I feel contractions but they seem minor and I don't want to go to the hospital too early so I take a shower, eat breakfast, pack up Natalie and Suparti and
9:00am - Head over to Lisa's for a play date with Natalie's cousins.
10:00am - Contractions get stronger and Lisa and Carol start to time them. They are coming every 8 minutes or so and lasting about 40 seconds each.
10:15am - We call Matilda but they tell us to time contractions for at least 1 hour before coming in.
11:00am - Contractions are coming faster now every 5-6 minutes and I get ready to go. Por-por decides to come with me to Central to pick up Clark from work.
11:10am - Lisa's apartment elevators are broken. We call down and ask the security to start them up again... hello, woman in labour!!
11:20am - I pick up Clark from Central and say bye to Por-por (thanks Por-por!)
11:35am - We check in to Matilda hospital. We are the LAST expectant parents to be admitted that day (whew! Otherwise, we would have had to go to Queen Mary!). The midwife checks me and I am 4 cm dilated soon after checking in.
12:30pm - I get a much needed epidural and the doctor comes around to check me.
1:00pm - I am 8 cm dilated. Almost there! I get a blast of oxytocin to help speed me along even faster.
1:30pm - After only 4 pushes, Lauren Wang is born :)
Today was Lauren's first full day at home. She is a very alert baby and when she's not feeding or sleeping, her eyes are constantly looking around.

Natalie has adjusted really well to being an older sister. She loves to help us take care of her and is constantly kissing and checking on her. She is really excited and happy to have us both home again.
Oh the photo of Lauren is so beautiful, she's so sweet...almost (I say almost) makes me want to have another one. Hope you're having a good and disciplined confinement :) Love the new blog look too!