Lauren is almost 3 weeks old and it's amazing how quickly the time has passed. Let's take a look at what she's been up to while at home.
She is a super alert baby and when she's not sleeping or feeding, she looks like this.
Here she has learned to sleep in the "baby sleep pose". Natalie did this as well. It's funny how similar little babies are!

She's also grown a little chubbier with her skin folds filling out a bit. Here, you can see how her skin is flaking (quite a lot!) as she grows.

She's also developed a nasty case of baby acne. Hope it clears soon... I'm sooo tempted to pop those cute little whiteheads. Nothing a little SKII can't fix. (Don't worry, just kidding on both counts.)

This photo was taken 3 days ago. She's still on the skinny side. Look at those chicken legs!

Clark put Lauren to rest in this little U-shaped travel pillow. It's a perfect little baby recliner!
Lauren also spends a lot of time being carried by big sis Natalie. Natalie asks to carry her at least once every day.
Lauren has also been getting regular baths in the bathroom sink by Porpor.
She seems to enjoy bathing and is alert and calm in the warm water.
Lauren has also continued to have visitors, including Vivo Yee-yee here.
Doesn't Lauren look super comfy and content wrapped in Vivo's shirt?
Here is Lauren in the expert arms of our Sen-sen (Clark's aunt).

Last week, we also had uncle Brad and Corine, Jason and baby Olivia visit as well.
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