Thanks to everyone who came to visit us all the way up at Matilda when Lauren was born. It was great to see you! We also received many beautiful flowers from friends which helped to brighten up the room during our stay :)
Serena and Vivian were our first visitors.
Next came the whole Tong family. Here is Por-por pictured with her SIX grand-children (aged 0, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 years old). The kids are fondly referred to as "the zoo" because they are quite the handful when all together! Wonder what it'll be like when baby Michael (1 month) and Lauren (newborn) are older and running around, too :)

The Hua's came by, too and little Toby enthusiastically got into just about everything in the whole room. He's quite the little crawler now (soon to be walking!)

My cousin Garway and his new wife Ada stopped by as well. They bravely faced-off with the Zoo over a nice brunch at Cafe Deco before coming for a visit.

Our wonderful doctor, Dr. Doo, came by every day to check on me and also checked out little Lauren whom he helped to bring safely into the world :) Thanks Dr. Doo!

Here is Selvie, our favourite midwife from Matilda (left) with me, Lauren and her colleague. She was wonderful - professional, knowledgeable, supportive and caring.

Mandy, Dan and Ava's beautiful flower basket included a little stuffed animal which we gave to Natalie. It's a little pink bear holding an even littler pink bear (a mommy bear with her baby bear).

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