With Porpor in town, Natalie and her cousins have had extra incentive to meet up and play together. It's great because they are super interactive now and even hold conversations together! (Not that we always understand what they're talking about.) Here's what they got up to last weekend.
Watch Video 304 of Natalie and Victoria playing ball together. Vanessa is in the background playing with the kitchen set.
Victoria was very happy to carry Lauren for a little bit. She seems really fascinated with little babies.
Every time the cousins get together, we like to throw them into the bathtub together. They can play forever in the water together and it's a "contained chaos". This weekend, they had a special treat... bath & strawberries! The strawberries are messy and stain their clothes so Clark came up with this brilliant solution :) Not sure how we're going to fit SIX kids in the tub... we need a bigger tub.

Porpor also got a special treat... a back massage from Victoria, Vanessa and Natalie! She lay on the floor and let her grand-children walk all over her. They're the perfect weight (for now!)

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